The BEST Kitchen Gadgets Under $20
New kitchen gadgets can really be an inspiration to get in the kitchen and cook. And if you are like me, you need all the inspiration you can get! I absolutely love finding unique kitchen tools that are useful but affordable! So let me share my list of The BEST Kitchen Gadgets Under $20 that just may inspire you enough to want to cook!
Herb Scissors.
Seriously, why didn’t I think of this idea? This is one of those items that will save you lots of time, and they are so affordable!! This pair actually comes with a money back guarantee! Click this Link to check them out.
Angled Measuring Cups.
I have had this set for years, and I just love it. Oxo is one of my favorite brands for kitchen gadgets. This set makes it easy to read the measurement from above instead of having to lean over and look from the side. I’m really not lazy (seriously, I promise)! I’m just trying to save a few extra steps and a sore neck! Click this link to see the measuring cups.
Glass Prep Bowls.
Prep bowls are one of those items I’ve never really thought much about. Never used them… really didn’t even see the point of it. But as I’ve matured in cooking abilities (hahaha… maybe “seasoned” would be a better word to use when talking about cooking) and started trying more complex recipes, just having all the ingredients ready when I needed them, already poured and ready to add to the recipe, became a necessity. You don’t have to have clear ones (or even little ones)! The point is to just have your ingredients ready to add to the recipe when you need them! Here is the link to see the Prep Bowls.
Narrow Measuring Spoons.
Have you ever tried to get a round tablespoon into a small spice jar… yeah, THAT is why I love these narrow measuring spoons! And I love having the small measurements of a smidgen, a pinch and a dash. I tend to use a pinch for all of those (doesn’t everybody?). You can read more about the spoons here at this link.
Spice / Coffee Grinder.
I never really thought about using a grinder for spices until I made an amazing Jezebel sauce recipe that required ground up mustard seeds. Do you remember the parable about the mustard seed? You know how little they are then, right? So, trying to grind them with a mortar and pestle can be challenging (and I did it… the first time). But for the next batch I used our coffee grinder for the task, and it made cooking my recipe sooooo much easier! Here is the link to read more about the coffee grinder!
Sink Strainer.
Multi-tasking in the kitchen with a pot of boiling noodles is not easy… but it is easier when you have an over-the-sink strainer like this one! Not only for draining hot liquids, but it makes it so much easier for items that have to be rinsed or strained period. I use mine all the time. I actually should invest in a second one because it is used so often. I regularly have to pull it right out of the dishwasher to use. Here is the link to the strainer on Amazon.
Mr. Tea Infuser.
I’m not much of a coffee drinker, and I prefer hot drinks to cold drinks in the winter… so this little gadget is perfect for me. Meet Mr. Tea Infuser. Load his pants with loose tea and hang  him on the side of your mug… so brilliant! (And so cute!) To see the tea infuser britches in action, here is the link.Â
Spiral Slicer.
This would help make the most beautiful salads and fancy toppings, don’t you think? I love finding products that make me look like I’m masterful at cooking when in reality, I’m just average but love trying!! Here is the link to learn about the spiral slicer.
Bag Resealer.
How many times have you thrown away stale chips? Or recipes that call for a cup of some frozen veggie and the rest end up freezer burned? Seriously, I wonder how much money I could have saved over the years with this sweet little bag resealer?!? Want one? Here is the link to purchase it!Â
Pig Yolk Separator.
Okay, I saved the funniest for last!!  This little pig is quite talented, and he sticks his nose into the egg business…. literally! Squeeze him on an egg and his nose sucks up the yolk, separating it from the whites! LOL! What a great white elephant gift that is actually quite practical and useful! Here is the link to get to know more about the Pig Yolk Separator.Â
I hope you enjoyed The BEST Kitchen Gadgets under $20 list!  If there’s a wonderful kitchen gift idea under $20 you think I’ve missed, add it below in the comments. Be sure to let us know what your favorite item is from our list! I’m pretty sure somebody who comments will be winning some of these 🙂
Bon Appetit y’all!
Okay, Trish, I am DYING to get one of these pigs! That is hilarious! (And my ancient Tupperware egg separator has vanished. Never realized how much I used it until it disappeared.) So where can I find one of these little gems?
(Not trying to win anything, mind you. 😉 Just trying to find a new egg separator!)
Click the link 🙂 It’s on Amazon!
How did I miss that? Thank you!
Okay, Trish, I am DYING to get one of these pigs! That is hilarious! (And my ancient Tupperware egg separator has vanished. Never realized how much I used it until it disappeared.) So where can I find one of these little gems?
(Not trying to win anything, mind you. 😉 Just trying to find a new egg separator!)
Click the link 🙂 It’s on Amazon!
How did I miss that? Thank you!